How to: Paint Tiles

Even glossy finished tiles can be painted to look like new! This is how you do it:

  1. Clean thoroughly with sugar soap, allow to dry, and then lightly sand over the tiles to create a ‘key’ for the undercoat to adhere.
  2. Use Universal oil based undercoat, apply with a sponge roller (not too small), and then allow to dry.
  3. Use an oil based Velvaglo in the colour of your choice. Apply with the cleaned sponge roller (clean with turpentine) making sure to keep the pressure on your sponge consistent over the tiles – but apply more pressure over the grout. Make sure to go over the ‘lines’ that may form from the edge of the sponge roller.
  4. Allow to dry and ’set’ thoroughly overnight, and then do 2nd coat. Look to see what your coverage is like, you may need a 3rd coat for a completely even finish.

TIP: A good idea to create added interest is to use small tiles (or mosaic tiles) running along the top of the painted tiles.  This is a very inexpensive way of creating a ‘wow’ finish.’

About the Author


A Property Stylist, artist, paint technique specialist, property investor & renovator; Her passion is in improving & highlighting every property’s potential.

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